Provided you have finished all the train-related quests (more abot them here), now you can order a Cooler for your second Railcar and sell up to 150 Recipes.
There are two ways to get a Train with a Cooler:
#1: Regular Train, with a Train Ticket
To add a second Railcar, click the button in your Train Timetables menu, then select the “1 Cooler” option. This will cost 1 Train Ticket.

Getting the second Railcar is one-time use only, not a permanent upgrade.
You can add a maximum of 150 recipes inside 1 Cooler.
#2: Cheap Train
A Railcar with 1 Cooler comes every 3 Cheap Trains you call. If you need to sell Recipes, just send a few empty Cheap Trains until one with a Cooler arrives.