If your game is running slow or freezing, here’s what might fix it:
- Normally, the first thing you should do is reload the browser’s page by tapping the F5 key (Windows) or Command+R (Mac).
- If the issue persists, we suggest you close the other tabs in your browser and/or apps running in the background on your computer.
- Clear your browser’s cache. Here’s how to do it: https://clear-my-cache.com/windows.html
- Try a different browser. The recommended browsers are Firefox and Facebook Gameroom for Windows, and Firefox and Safari for Mac.
- If you’re still having issues, go to the game’s Settings tab in the lower-right part of your screen (the hammer and screwdriver icon) and turn off some or all animations in the Game Settings tab.

As a side note, if you have a huge farm, there’s not much we can do to make the game run faster, beside suggesting a more powerful computer, if you want your farm loaded with all kind of things, that is. 🙂
Even if it is a 2D farming game, Country Life Meadows can develop into something very complex, and simply calculating where all your farm assets are require a strong processor (on some farms, we see over 80.000 objects the processor has to compute).