In the Borrow Some DIY Articles quest, you are required to find a Varnish Can and a Paint Brush in Bee’s Farm to fix the Outdoor Bookshelf (Orders Board).
Click on the green “Show me” button in the quest requirements menu and the guide will further instruct you how to visit Beatrice’s (Bee’s) Farm — which is in your Friends bar.

So, here’s where to find the DIY articles in Bee’s Farm. Warning, huge SPOILERS AHEAD:
- the Varnish Can — right next to the Fire Pit in the Eastern part of the farm
- the Paint Brush — it’s on a barrel in the Northern part of the farm
To collect an item, click on it and it will be checked off the list.

For the Bucket, Soap Bar and Sponge required in the Borrowing Detailing Products quest, please CLICK HERE.