Your farm is great, but in CLM you can travel with Joe (and Tyrone) to different areas and discover new landscapes, activities and produce. Here’s how to move between your Farm, Bellflower Meadow, The Factories, Sawmill Area, and Cypress Grove.
Click on the map icon at the lower left side of your game and look at where Joe and the Truck are. In the image below, both Joe and the Truck are on the Farm called Oak Ridge Ranch.
To travel with Joe or the Truck, move their icon under a different farm.

Now, let’s travel with Joe…
A) Fast Travel with Joe
Fast Travel usually requires extra Energy compared to what you would normally use. So, you will have to balance convenience with Energy use. Depending on how far you travel, it will be either 1 Energy, or 2 Energy extra.
Let’s say we want to take Joe to Cypress Grove. To do that, just click on the name.

From the same menu you can also call Tyrone to drive his Truck for 1 Fuel to you if he is in another area.
Now Joe is in Cypress Grove, but the Truck is still on the Farm. No problem, just open the map again and click on the dot that’s below Cypress Grove to call Tyrone with the Truck for 1 Fuel.

B) Not so Fast Travel with Joe
There’s also the option to save some Energy and use Joe to travel “manually”. Here’s how to do that depending on where Joe is:
From the Farm
— Farm to Factories

— Farm to Factories (Alpaca Hill)
At one point in the game, Joe has to pick up a lost botanical plate that is high on a ledge in the Factories Area. To reach it, get Joe on Alpaca Hill in your Farm, go to Factories, pick up the botanical plate, then return the same way.

— Farm to Skylark Crossroads

From the Factories
If you need help with buying the Jolly Junkyard, Furniture Factory or the Breezy Tulips area, all info on the Factories can be found HERE.
— The Factories to Farm

— The Factories to Water Sawmill North

— The Factories to Water Sawmill South

From the Water Sawmill
If you need help with buying the Water Sawmill or the Orchardgrass Clearing lot, all the info on the Water Sawmill area can be found HERE.
— Water Sawmill North to The Factories (top)

— Water Sawmill South to The Factories

— Water Sawmill North to Bellflower Meadow Road (North)

— Water Sawmill South to Bellflower Meadow Beech (South)

From Bellflower Meadow
If you need help with advancing in Bellflower Meadow all the info (including how to upgrade your axe, mining or how to making maple syrup) can be found HERE.
— Bellflower Meadow to Farm (truck)

— Bellflower Meadow to Water Sawmill North

— Bellflower Meadow to Water Sawmill South

From Skylark Crossroads
This area is located in the Northern part of Cypress Grove and to the Southern side of your farm.
— Skylark Crossroads to Farm

If you can’t find the “Go to your Farm” button, you can hover with your mouse over the map icon at the lower-left, then click the “Show way to the Farm” button.

— Skylark Crossroads to Cypress Grove

From Cypress Grove
— Cypress Grove to Skylark Crossroads