The Animal Appetizers Set can be made by all players who completed the Vegetable Carvings part of the Easter Event 2023.
To make the Animal Appetizers Set again, click the “Mastery, Collections & Achievements” icon in your toolbar > go to the “Collections” tab > click the “Animal Appetizers 2023” collection.

To see how many of each recipe you have to make, hover with your mouse cursor over the specific plate.

You can also check how many more recipes you have to make by hovering over the “Make” button or over the recipe in the Recipes Book menu.

When you make enough of a recipe, the “Reveal” button will appear. Click it. to reveal :).

When all 9 recipes are revealed you can click “Add to Barn” to make the Animal Appetizers Set and deliver the order.

The Summer Camp Appetizers special order appears every 4 days.
I Have Recipes in the Barn, Why Isn’t It Working?
The Appetizers set doesn’t “take” recipes that are already in your Barn.
How it works — you have to make each of the 9 recipes in the Appetizers set a certain amount of times, until you carve a perfect one, that can be sent to the set. The “perfect” recipe that’s sent to the set is an extra one, so nothing is deducted from your Barn.
Why Can’t I Make a Specific Recipe?
For the Easter Event, all ingredients and Gear required to make the Animal Appetizers Set were temporarily lowered to level 26 in order to allow farmers at a lower level to make them, too. Now that the Event has ended, all ingredients and Gear were set back to their original levels. So, in order to make all recipes, you have to level up :).