If you have an issue requiring technical support (game does not load, bugs, payments) or want general info about they game, please try typing keywords related to your issue in the search bar first, and the relevant articles will show up.
If you still didn’t find what you are looking for, don’t hesitate to message us on:
CLM Web Portal — go to our Web Portal, log in (more on that HERE) , click on your profile at the top right, then “Contact Support” and a chat window will appear at the bottom-right of your game window.

Facebook — go to our Fan Page and click the “Send Message” button.
We always take your feedback and suggestions into serious consideration and we thank you for taking the time to write us!
We will get back to you as fast as we can, depending on the volume of messages we get. We always provide premium customer support and analyze each case individually. We might not get back to you right away, but we always will!