Competitions are a way of rewarding the farmers who advance the most in the game.
The top-3 in Competitions get Trophies and Treasure Chests (with rewards inside), but cups and/or prizes are awarded to the top-50 players.
While in the Competitions window, you can hover over the tabs and find out more about each Competition category: XP, Coins, Orders.
- XP Competition — the total number of XP you earn over the Competition’s duration.
- Coins Competition — it calculates the total number of Coins you earn over the Competition’s duration. You can spend the coins! The Coins Competition only registers how much you earn, not how many coins you currently have.
- Orders Competition — the total number of Orders you deliver over the Competition’s duration.

When do the next Competitions start?
The format of Competitions is 1 week of Competitions, 2 weeks of pause.
Competitions start on Sunday at 5 PM UTCÂ and last for 7 days. You will see an in-game announcement 48 hours before the next edition of Competitions.