The adventure starts with a quest (Into the Wild) notification at the top-left part of your screen.
Make sure your quests are not hidden by accident, in which case press the icon with a white arrow inside an orange circle.

After you call the Mayor, you have to deliver 3 Charity Orders and get 3 Green Vouchers. You get 1 Green Voucher for each Charity Order you deliver.
Green Vouchers are required if you want to buy land (Land Deeds) in Bellflower Meadow.
Charity orders appear at a 6-hour interval.

When will I get my next Charity Order?
Click on your farm’s name at the top, then on the “Stats & Skills” tab to check when your next charity order will appear on your Orders Board. Again, Charity Orders appear every 6 hours.
If the Charity Order does not appear on your Orders Board after the time runs out, please reload your game and check again.

In the last part of the quest you’re asked to buy your first patch of land in Bellflower Meadow. If you click on the “Show Me” button in the quest, it will point you to this button at the lower-left side of your screen.

Then you will get this menu. Looks like you have to buy 1 Land Deed.

1. Buy 1 Land Deed
When you gather 3 Green Vouchers, open up the menu again and buy 1 Land Deed.

2. Certify the farm
Now that you have 1 Land Deed, let’s look at the menu again. Now you have to certify your farm.

Click the number 2 button with the exclamation mark and you will see this window.

(for technical reasons for the change, please consult our expansion release notes)
To certify your farm, you will have to meet the limits. In this example, the player has to sell from their farm: 244 crops, 55 trees, 1 animal, 35 gear.
!!! You get the full price in coins or RC for whatever you sell to reach the limit !!!
Let’s sell 1 animal to complete the “Animals” section.

Even if you are selling animals you bought for RC, you still get the full price in both coins and RC. Here, we got 78 RC and 650 coins (for the coop).
At the top right you can see the count of how many more animals you can sell at full price. In this case, it’s “Sell Item for Full Price 1/1”, as we only had to sell 1 animal.
After selling everything for a group (crops, trees, animals, gear), you get this message. Here is the confirmation for Animals.

You will also see a check mark back in the Certify menu.

WARNING!!! After you sell all animals and get the confirmation and checkmark, if you attempt to sell 1 more animal, you will not get the full price as you have already met the limit. You will get regular price after meeting the limit, just like it has worked before.
Continue selling until you meet all limits. In the photo above, the player still has to sell 244 crops, 48 trees, and 25 gear for full price.
In another example, we’re selling a plot with Tomatoes. As a tip, if you have empty plots, the selling will go through faster. Again, check how many more plots you can sell for full price.

If you sell a plot that has a Sprinkler installed on it, the Sprinkler will go to your Gifts automatically.
When you sell the required number for Crops (plots), Trees, Animals, and Gear, click the green “Certify” button.

After that, you will be able to claim the RC for certifying your farm.

Now that you’ve certified your farm, there’s 1 more thing to do before travelling: buy your first patch of land in BfM.
3. Buy your first patch of land in BfM

The clouds are gone and we’re all set and ready to go: let’s travel to Bellflower Meadow by clicking here.

First time to Bellflower Meadow
After Tyrone drops Joe off in Bellflower Meadow, you’ll notice there’s lots of exploring to do. It seems that you can’t move Joe around much and if you try to clear grass patches, rocks or bushes, he’ll say he needs some tools. They must be around, so start looking.
If you want to discover Bellflower Meadow for yourself, you can. If you need help, please continue reading a complete Bellflower Meadow Walkthrough (click).