The Baby Chicks and Mother Hen are the grand prize for finishing the Winter Event 2024.
The Mother Hen & Baby Chicks can be unlocked from Gifts.

Next, place the Chicken Transport Cage in the highlighted area in front of your farm to enable raising Baby Chicks.

Then a new quest called “Mother Hen and Baby Chicks” will show.
Only Leghorn Chickens can become Hens, so be sure to move a Leghorn Chicken to a Chicken Coop, as that’s where they can nest. They cannot nest in Chicken Yards.
You also need a Rooster on the farm or Leghorn Eggs from the Market/Tyrone from players that have a Rooster (will be implemented very soon). At the moment, all Leghorn Eggs are OK. The Rooster doesn’t need to be in the same Coop as the Hen.
If you don’t have a Rooster, look for Leghorn Egg crates with a Rooster icon at the Market Stands. Tyrone typically sells these almost every day, even if he doesn’t have a Rooster.
What to do?
1. Place 5 Leghorn Eggs in the big nest inside the Chicken Coop, then click to skip waiting for the Baby Chicks to hatch (the first time is free).

The regular nesting time for the Mother Hen is 8 hours.
Note that an extra nest will appear inside the Coop, but only when you have a Broody Hen. There’s no need to collect other eggs in order to place the Hen inside. The 2 areas are separate inside the Coop.
2. Find 5 worms around the farm and click on them to feed the Baby Chicks.
After the 8 hours are up, click the Coop and the Broody Hen will take the Baby Chicks in the area in front of your farm, near the Market Stand and the Transport Cage.

When you see a worm, click it and the Hen will walk towards it and a Baby Chick will eat it. You will also get 25 XP for it.
Tip: if you have problems in locating the worms, click on the Hen and a blue arrow will show you where the worms are.
The Baby Chicks will then keep looking for worms on their own until they grow, which takes 3 hours.

3. Deliver the grown chickens with the Truck to get your reward.
After the Baby Chicks grow into Chickens, click the Transport Cage and they will go inside and Tyrone will drive off to deliver the order to the new owners

Finally, click the Cage again so Tyrone delivers the Chickens.

Don’t forget to collect your rewards from the Truck after it returns. Rewards include: Salt, Pepper, Ice, Harvesting Template, Organic Fertilizer, and Energy Bars.
To see when you next can activate the cage, hover with your mouse cursor over it.